Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Khrisma Richardson Killman

Ok, so this prob isn't for  the memory book but I just had to tell you. Your house was site to the first time I ate a slice of humble pie when it came to boys. You know I've always been fairly confident when it came to guys and used to think that I could pretty much scoop one up at will. However, at one  gathering there during  jr high, I decided that I wanted to bust a move on Jason Roland. No big, right? Wrong. He totally shot me down and was like thanks but no thanks, I dig Kelly. Say what? My mind was blown! So I had to suck it up brush off my ego and play it off like whatevz. The incident shook me up a little bit but I eventually got my groove back :D 

There are so many happy moments from that house it's really a big mesh of happiness. Hard to get my 30+ brain to recall one individually. I can remember brainstorming and planning in the living room for the leadership conference Moore hosted. An icebreaker was we all had to have an adjective for our names that started with the same letter and I said Kaleidoscope Khrisma. K is hard :) lol I remember spending the night, and the simple pleasure of staying up late laughing and talking about everything and nothing then snacking after hours in the kitchen. Overall I remember the warmth of always feeling welcome.

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