Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lowell Clark

I have so many amazing memories from 800 Boziden. And don't judge me if I miss spelled Boziden, that just so happens to be one address I've always known because it was such a special place to me. I dont know if it is my favorite memory, probably because even at the age of 5 I knew it wouldn't last. It was my parents' second wedding, and I was the ring boy and for the first time got to wear a suit. I remember Sharon made a photo album full of pictures from that day and there was one of the preacher and some woman with her eyes closed as if she were in ecstasy. His hand wasn't visible in the picture and the hand written caption said something that insinuated that in fact pastor Larry was a pervert. I love pastor Larry. My favorite part of that day was when my parents left for their honeymoon and I was left behind. I was so upset to see them go. I cried and screamed and kicked, well I didn't kick, that isn't in my nature. The point is I was more than devastated. My dear sweet aunt Sharon came to the rescue. She grabbed me by my wrists and spun me around in circles until we were both dizzy and laughing. You see for me it wasn't the structure that was 800 Boziden. It is the fact that for as long as I can remember (and that memory is over 30 years old) if I close my eyes it seems like yesterday. It was for me nothing but great! 

I was feeling down just the other day, and stumbled across a new BBQ restaurant in San Francisco. Of course BBQ is comfort food for me, so the decision of where to eat was easy. While sitting at the bar having dinner, and texting Shawna, I suddenly became homesick for the first time in a long time. I started thinking back to when I was a kid and life was much simpler. It was memories of 800 Boziden actually that stopped the tears and made me laugh out loud. I'm sure the people around me must have thought I was loosing it. I remembered the time Juan held me down on the living room floor and tickled and pestered me. Of course everyone thought it was hilarious. Juan laughed so hard he threw up a chunk of turkey on my chest! Then I thought about putting on a grass skirt and a coconut bra and lip singing "What's love got to do with it," by Tina Turner. 

How anyone was shocked when I came out of the closet later in life I dont know. Then there was my favorite thing to do at Aunt Sharon's, vacuum! I took such pride in vacuuming that house when I would stay over! I just remember how happy Sharon would get when I would ask if I could. Looking back, I think the reason I loved it so much was because it made me feel as if that beautiful place was partly mine. At the end of the day I realize 800 Boziden was partly all of ours, and so many amazing memories that will forever live in so many hearts, owe an enormous amount of gratitude to the fabulous woman that made that house a home and her family! Sharon you have always been a source of comfort, and happiness for me. Throughout my life, whenever I have been in your presence, its as if for a brief second I forget how unusual and challenging my life has been, and for that moment feel a sense of normalcy. For that, the many memories, and the love I've always felt from you, with everything that is me, I thank you! I can't wait to vacuum your new floors!

I love you Aunt Sharon,

Sherman Lowell Clark III

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